Events Schedule

We partner with universities and institutions across the UK to help us deliver the highest quality events we can. Find out more about our events schedule below.
17:00pm - 19:00pm

The AfSU Meet and Greet

King's College London
Thursday, 19th September 2024

The AfSU Meet and Greet is designed to bring together university students who are interested in career growth, networking, and professional development. It also provides a space for new university students to learn more about AfSU, our supportive and friendly community, and find out how you can get involved in our activities.

For new students, we encourage you to network with others who are interested in the same fields as you, so that you can gain advice and support from them which can be beneficial when you are writing applications or making key professional decisions in the future.

For university societies and their committees, this is the perfect opportunity to connect with like-minded students to discuss your ideas for events and collaborations, share experiences, and build valuable connections in a supportive environment.

Room: Bush House (North East Wing), Lecture Theatre 3

King's College London
Friday, 8th December 2024

Join Team AfSU as we celebrate our third year of operations. The evening will consist of a presentation by members of our Board of Directors, before ending with a celebratory cutting of cake to mark the AfSU Birthday. After the presentation, the event will be an informal social with pre-planned activities for everyone to participate in.

The event is currently restricted to (prospective) Team AfSU members. If you'd like to find out more about AfSU, and are considering joining it, the AGM is a fantastic place to meet key AfSU members and learn more about us. If you're interested, email us on [email protected] and we'll get back to you with confirmation of attendance.

King's College London
Saturday, 12th April 2025

Our flagship conference on Afghanistan's diaspora will aim to explore how we can come together to create a socioeconomically stronger, and more integrated, diaspora community. Click the link below to find out more about our aims, and how you can get involved.


AfSU's partnered up with a local school to deliver a Careers in the NHS event, featuring current medical students and professionals who will be discussing their journeys into medicine, and beyond.

Registration for this event will open shortly, please check back in at a later date.

SOAS, University of London
Thursday, 18th January 2024

AfSU is hosting its first ``Careers in Law`` event, featuring 4 guest speakers. Students will have the opportunity to listen to our panel of lawyers discuss their experiences entering and working in the legal sector, with the opportunity to ask them questions during our live Q&A. At the end of the event, there will be an informal networking session where students can speak directly to our panellists for advice or any questions they may have.

King's College London
Saturday, 24th and Sunday, 25th February 2024

Join us at King's College London alongside our partners at the ATT where we'll be delivering our conference on building diaspora capability. Find out more about the AfSU Conference on our webpage by clicking the button below.

SOAS, University of London
Thursday, 2nd May 2024

Join us at SOAS, University of London alongside our partners for our annual networking event. Find out more about the AfSU Networking Event on our webpage by clicking the button below.

University of Westminster
Saturday, 27th April 2024

Join us at the University of Westminster for a networking dinner with professionals and students from a wide range of both professions, and universities.

Interested in collaborating?

We're always looking for potential partnerships and collaborations that align with AfSU's values and mission. Reach out to our operations team if you have an idea you'd like to work with us on!